For Immediate Release September 23, 2010
Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers
New York, New York
4:10 P.M. EDT
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Please have
a seat. Well, I am thrilled to be here. I want to thank President
Clinton for the kind, although protocol-busting, introduction.
(Laughter.) And I want to thank him for inviting me back to join you at
this year's meeting.
It was an extraordinary pleasure to be here at CGI last year.
It's a pleasure to be back today not only because of my highest regard
for President Clinton personally, not just because of my gratitude to
him for putting up with long hours away from our Secretary of State --
(laughter) --
PRESIDENT CLINTON: Thank you for being grateful, though.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I am grateful. (Laughter and applause.) But
also because of the tremendous work he's doing through GCI [sic].
For the past five years, President Clinton has applied the full
force of his energy and his influence -- and it is formidable -- to the
work of this initiative. And with that passion and with that
determination and that charm of his that makes it so darn hard to say
no, he has marshaled $57 billion worth of commitments from folks like
you -- (applause) -- and that's bringing hope and opportunity to more
than 200 million people around the world. It's a remarkable record of
But I'm not just here today to sing President Clinton's praises,
or to commend all of you for the terrific work that each of you have
done -- although I am grateful for that. I am here to play an even more
important role, and that is to introduce my better half: my
extraordinary wife, and America's extraordinary First Lady, Michelle
Obama. (Applause.)
Now, Bill Clinton understands where I'm coming from here.
(Laughter.) He knows what it's like to be married to somebody who's
smarter -- (laughter) -- somebody who's better looking -- (laughter) --
somebody who's just all around a little more impressive than you are.
(Laughter and applause.) Right? It's -- this is not news to people.
Since Michelle and I first started dating 22 years ago, pretty
much everybody I know who's met her at some point comes up to me and
says, you know, Barack, you're great and all, I like you, but your wife,
now, she's really something. (Laughter.) And I, of course, agree.
They're right. And I feel grateful that Michelle so far, at least, has
not run for any offices I've been running for. (Laughter.) She would
beat me thoroughly.
Fortunately for me, as much as she cares deeply about public service,
she hasn't shown much interest in the political chatter. She doesn't
think about who's winning or losing, what the polls say, or who gets the
best headline in the papers. No matter what the issue, there's only
one thing that she wants to know, and that's "who are we helping?"
That's what she asks. "Who is this going to make a difference for?
Whose life is this going to improve?"
And while I get plenty of good advice from a lot of people during the
course of the day, at the end of each day, it is Michelle -- her moral
voice, her moral center -- that cuts through all the noise in Washington
and reminds me of why I'm there in the first place.
She reminds me with her work to tackle childhood obesity so our
kids can have healthy lives and the futures they deserve. She reminds
me by throwing open the doors of our White House to young people from
all different backgrounds, letting them know that we believe in their
promise, letting them know that the White House is the people's house,
and letting young people know that they're not that far away from all
the power and prestige and decisions that are made -- that, in fact,
this is something they can aspire to, they can be a part of, because we
are a government of and by and for the people.
She reminds me with her work to be a voice for America's military
families and veterans, using her platform as First Lady to make sure
they get support and respect and the appreciation that they deserve.
And while I am tremendously proud of the First Lady that she's
been for this country, at the end of the day I'm most grateful that
she's been such a partner to me, and the best mother that I know.
Every moment that I spend with my daughters, I am thankful for
all that she's done to make them who they are. Every day, I see her
strength and her kindness and her character reflected in the two of
them. And there is no greater gift -- and I know Bill feels the same
way about when he looks at Chelsea, he sees this incredible force that a
mother can bring.
To this day, I still don't know how I talked her into marrying me,
but I know that I am the luckiest guy in the world that she did. So it
is with that that I would like to introduce you to my first lady,
America's First Lady, Michelle Obama. (Applause.)
MRS. OBAMA: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you so much.
Thank you very much. Well, it's weird that my husband introduces me, so
I don't even know what to say. But thank you, honey. (Laughter.)
Now, with an introduction like that, you can see why I married
the guy, right? Not so bad. (Laughter.) But the truth is, is that I
feel pretty lucky myself.
So I want to thank my husband for being a wonderful father and a
partner to me as well. I also want to thank President Clinton for
inviting us here today and for the example he's setting not just as a
private citizen making a difference in the world as only he can, but
also, as Barack said, as a father who, along with his brilliant wife,
has raised such a wonderful daughter in the White House. And living
there, now I know that that's a feat, and it is one my husband and I are
doing our best to try to match. We're trying to follow their example
every day.
And, finally, I want to thank all of you for combining your
compassion and idealism with a relentless commitment to getting results.
In coming together this week, you're forming new partnerships, making
new commitments, challenging each other to do even more.
And at this year's meeting, President Clinton has asked you to
address a challenge that I'd like to talk a little bit about today. And
it's one of your key action areas for this week, and that is harnessing
human potential.
In other words, as you endeavor to do more -- to serve more
communities, lift up more families, save more lives -- how can you find
new ways to tap the skills and talents of more people? How can you
create and train new leaders not just here in America but around the
world? How can you, as President Clinton put it earlier this week, get
people involved in our common endeavors?
So in pondering these questions, I'm here today to ask you to
consider an issue that is near and dear to my heart as First Lady and
one that I believe is vitally important for just about everything you're
working to accomplish, and that is the challenges faced by America's
veterans and military families and all they have to offer, particularly
as they transition to civilian life.
Now, at first glance, I know this issue may seem too uniquely
American in scope for such a global audience here at CGI. But right
now, the human potential of America's veterans and military families is
both vast and woefully under-utilized, and that's not just an issue for
those individuals or for this country. It also significantly impacts
what you and so many others are trying to achieve not just here in
America, but around the world.
Now, as First Lady, I've had the privilege of meeting America's
men and women in uniform. I've met them on bases and hospitals and
communities all across this country. And I always come away from these
visits not just with a sense of pride and gratitude, but with a sense of
awe. Believe me, I'm awed. I'm awed by their courage and their
sacrifice. I'm awed by their commitment to this country and the
standard of excellence they uphold.
And while most folks share my respect and admiration for their
service, a lot of folks have no idea what that service actually entails.
Many still don't know the full power of their human potential. But
just consider for a moment the kind of work that they do.
Members of our military master state of the art technologies --
some of the most advanced information and medical and communications
systems in the world. They run the world's most complex operations --
distributing supplies to thousands of locations, moving tons of
equipment halfway across the globe. They oversee hundreds of their
colleagues -- recruiting the top talent and inspiring folks from diverse
backgrounds to succeed as a team. And many of them are barely old
enough to vote, yet they shoulder more responsibility than many CEOs,
undertaking missions where there's no margin for error, where the bottom
line is often a matter of life or death.
Now these are highly valuable, highly transferable, highly
marketable skills -- skills that I know many businesses, including those
represented here today, are desperate to find. Yet the fact is that
right now, more than 150,000 recent veterans are still struggling to
find jobs.
Now, it's true that we are facing difficult economic times. And
we're working hard to get all Americans back to work after a tough
recession. But our veterans face a unique set of challenges as they
leave military service.
In one survey, more than three-quarters of veterans reported
having difficulty translating the expertise they gained in the military
into a resume that makes sense to civilians. And 61 percent of
employers admitted that they didn't fully understand the skills our
veterans had to offer. So often, veterans find themselves becoming
under-utilized, under-employed -- settling for jobs that pay less than
they deserve; jobs that don't fully harness their talents. Or they find
themselves out of work entirely for months on end. And that can take a
toll -- a real toll.
Now, America's servicemen and women are resilient, so you're not
going to hear them complain. And they're proud, so they're not going
to show it. But it's hard to spend years serving your country, only to
find that the value of that service isn't fully understood. And it's
hard to give so much, for so long, for a cause greater than yourself,
only to come home and find that there's nowhere you quite fit in.
And let's not forget that when America's troops are called to
serve, their families serve too. That means spouses taking on the work
of both parents, running their households and raising their kids all
alone, often while trying to get an education or working fulltime
And they face employment challenges of their own, because it's
hard to build seniority at a job when you have to move every couple of
years. It's hard to sustain a career when you have to keep meeting new
state licensing and certification requirements. It's hard to impress
employers who often view a resume with multiple jobs as a red flag
rather than as a reality of military life.
But somehow, they still manage to juggle all those
responsibilities, often while helping other military families do the
same. Many military spouses help lead Family Readiness Groups, or FRGs.
Now, these are support organizations that serve hundreds of families
at a time. And let me just take a moment to paint a picture for you of
what a day in the life of an FRG leader might look like.
So she might spend her morning working on a communications
strategy -- coordinating the unit's website, newsletter, Facebook, so
everyone has the latest information about their loved ones. Over lunch,
she might review the FRG's budget and craft a spending plan for the
upcoming year.
In the afternoon, she'll meet with health care representatives
to learn about new counseling resources for families. Then she'll meet
with teams of volunteers to coordinate upcoming events. Then the
evening comes, bringing news that the deployed unit has sustained a
casualty. So she'll work late into the night rounding up support for
the affected family, notifying other families on the base about what
Now, if she were doing the same kind of work at a company, she
might be called a CEO, a COO, maybe a senior executive. Perhaps she'd
have a nice office, a big salary, a line at the top of her resume that
any employer would understand and respect. So why should things be any
different just because she's not drawing a paycheck?
And let's be clear -- our veterans and military spouses aren't
just well qualified for jobs in the private sector. They're an asset in
the non-profit world as well. Whether it's an earthquake in Haiti, a
tsunami in East Asia, a flood in Pakistan, or a hurricane in New
Orleans, America's men and women in uniform are often some of the first
people on the scene.
They go on regular humanitarian missions throughout the world,
providing everything from food aid to medical care to help with
construction. And their titles -- soldier, sailor, airman, Marine,
Coastguardsmen -- those titles don't begin to describe the full range of
the roles that they play. During a typical tour of duty, they're
called to act as diplomats and social workers, mediators and educators.
They work with governments and NGOs, with local businesses and with
civilians, and with their counterparts from militaries around the world.
And, again, let's not forget about their spouses and the
countless hours of volunteer work they're doing on top of everything
else they're taking care of back home. At just one Army base in Fort
Drum, in upstate New York, military spouses logged more than 85,000
volunteer hours in the course of a single year.
And I'll never forget the couple that I met outside of Quantico
Marine base in Virginia. They were helping to organize the Toys for
Tots drive, which is a nationwide effort by the Marines Corps Reserve to
distribute Christmas gifts to millions of children in need. And that
couple spent so much time volunteering that they had to move their
family's Christmas tree into the volunteer center so they could actually
enjoy it.
So the fact is that America's veterans and military spouses have
years of experience and training doing precisely the kind of work that
all of you are doing every day across the globe. Are you building roads
or schools or shelters? They've done that. Are you establishing
health clinics in remote parts of the world? They've done that too.
Are you trying to recruit and manage teams of volunteers? Are you
working to get clean water into a village? Are you trying to move
people to safety in the wake of a natural disaster? You see, that's all
in a day's work for these folks.
And that passion for serving, that commitment to helping others,
that doesn't just disappear when they return to civilian life. In a
recent survey, 92 percent of veterans reported that they wanted to serve
their communities and that it was important to them. And when asked
what kind of service they wanted to do, 88 percent said they wanted to
do disaster relief; another 86 percent wanted to help at-risk youth;
still another 69 percent wanted to preserve our environment.
You see, for these folks, service is the air they breathe. It's
the reason they were put on this Earth. And many of them don't want to
serve for just a certain number of years or a certain number of
deployments -- they want to make their whole life a tour of duty.
So given our veterans' and military spouses' unmatched
experience and passion for service, you'd think they'd be the very first
folks that nonprofit organizations would tap when they're trying to
look for the top talent.
But as in the private sector, too often there's a disconnect.
Too often, we mistakenly view the nonprofit sector and the military as
two very different worlds, with different missions, with different
cultures, different values. We have this notion that folks who serve in
the military just aren't the kind of folks who'd want to work at an NGO
and vice versa.
But the truth is that folks in both the military and nonprofit
worlds are passionately committed to causes larger than themselves.
Folks in both worlds willingly sacrifice their own safety, comfort, and
financial well-being to help others. And right now, across America and
around the world, there are countless examples of veterans who are using
their skills and experience to continue their service as civilians.
They're working at America's schools and communities, as
teachers and coaches, role models for our kids. They're training for
green jobs retrofitting homes and offices and conserving public lands.
One group of veterans even runs an organization called "Team
Rubicon" that responds to natural disasters. They trek into some of the
most remote areas of the world to provide medical aid to thousands of
people in need. The organization was founded after the earthquake in
Haiti, when a former Marine named Jake Wood watched the devastation
unfold on TV and he said to himself -- he said, "Jake, you're not in the
Marines any more, but you have a special set of skills. You would be
ashamed of yourself if you didn't try and use them to help people."
So it's clear that our veterans and military spouses have the
skills and the will to serve and succeed in any environment. So now
it's up to all of us to give them the opportunity.
Now, my husband has been working hard to do that as President.
He's worked to fund a 21st century GI Bill which is helping nearly
300,000 veterans and their families get the education they need to
fulfill their dreams. He's made veterans hiring a top priority in the
federal government, hiring nearly 33,000 veterans in the first half of
this fiscal year alone -- and that's an 8 percent increase over the last
year. (Applause.)
Our Department of Defense has been working with states to
streamline licensing requirements so that spouses don't have to reapply
for professional credentials and take new tests every time they move.
And we're working to strengthen support programs and counseling services
to help military spouses juggle their responsibilities not just to
their employers but to their families.
But as you all know, government can only do so much. And that's
why I'm here today -- to ask for your help. Whatever you're looking
for, whether it's technical expertise or management ability, whether
you're trying to lift a struggling community, or boost your bottom line,
I'm asking you to reach out and engage our veterans and military
spouses. I'm asking you to take advantage of their talent, their
dedication, their experience.
Now that might mean asking a veterans service organization to
help your hiring managers translate military experience into civilian
qualifications. It might mean studying best practices in the military
to see how you can expand career opportunities for wounded warriors and
people with disabilities. It might mean finding ways to make your
workplace more military spouse-friendly, whether that's with more
flexible work schedules or more portable jobs. Or it might mean
developing challenging, substantive volunteer opportunities, ones that
can help vets and spouses build the professional skills and networks
they need to compete.
And plenty of organizations and corporations are already taking
the lead in this respect. In fact, tonight, the Department of Defense
is awarding its 2010 Employer Support Freedom Awards. Now these awards
recognize companies that support employees serving in the National Guard
and Reserve.
And one of the recipients was a company called Bill Bragg
Plumbing, which has just five employees. And at that company when
someone is deployed, the company owner steps in to fill that person's
duties. And the company keeps in touch with that employee's family
throughout their deployment, offering whatever kind of assistance and
support they can provide.
Now if this little company can do all that, then I know surely
that the national and international corporations and NGOs in this room
can do even more to recruit and support veterans and military families.
Surely companies or nonprofits of any size can do what it takes to
benefit from that talent.
After all, hiring America's vets and military spouses is not
just about helping them -- it's about how they can help you. So I'm not
asking you to do this out of the goodness of your heart -- do it
because it's good for your bottom line and the success of your
But I'm not just here today to challenge all of you. In the
spirit of CGI, I'm here also to make a commitment of my own. If you'll
do your part to engage and employ our veterans and military spouses,
then I'll commit to do my part to help you in whatever way I can.
As part of my ongoing efforts to encourage people to support our
veterans and military families, I will do my part to connect you with
advocates, with experts and with resources throughout the government,
from the Department of Labor to the Defense Department to the VA. If
you have questions about how a veteran's or spouse's skills fit with the
jobs you have, we will help you find the answers. If your staff wants
to better understand the challenges that vets and military spouses face
and how to address them we will connect you to the right people.
And today I promise to continue to use my platform as First Lady
to bring people together around this issue. I'll work to spark not
just a national conversation, but national action to give our vets and
military spouses the opportunities they deserve.
And I am grateful to be joined in these efforts by a truly
wonderful partner. She is a Blue Star mom, a champion of our National
Guard and Reserve families -- my friend, Dr. Jill Biden. We have both
seen firsthand the potential that America's vets and military spouses
have to offer. And what they have to offer goes far beyond their
skills, training and experience.
Let me tell you, I have seen that potential. I have seen that
potential in the men and women I meet at our military hospitals. And
these are folks who are seriously wounded, but they refuse to scale back
their dreams. They're making plans. They're re-imagining their
futures. They tell me they're not just going to walk again, but they're
going to run and they're going to run marathons.
I have seen that potential in the spouses who say grace each
night with that empty seat at the table, the folks who answer all those
questions about when mommy or daddy is coming home, yet never allowing
their worry or fear to creep into their voice or shake their resolve.
You see, this kind of potential is just too precious and unique to
squander. And for these extraordinary individuals, the story of their
service doesn't end when they move off the base or hang up their
uniform. Rather, it's just the beginning of the next chapter of their
work to build a better America and a better world.
An Army veteran named Tom Tarantino put it best when he came to
the White House just last week to meet with staff. He was talking about
his experience transitioning from military to civilian life. And he
said -- and this is his quote -- "When I left the service, I was looking
for more than a paycheck. I was looking for a mission."
And ultimately, that is the same reason all of you are here
today. That's the same determination that you bring to your own
service, the same conviction that a career is about more than just
making a living -- it's about making a difference.
You're here today because you've found your mission. Now it's
time for us to work together to help America's veterans and military
families find theirs.
So thank you all. Thank you for the time. Thank you for
listening. Thank you for the work that you're doing and will continue
to do. And I truly look forward to working with you all in the weeks
and months to come. Thank you all, and God bless. (Applause.)
END 4:40 P.M. EDT