Jack Kovic
Business Address: 125 S Main Ave, suite B, Fallbrook CA 92028
Business Type: Music Store: Jack's Music
760 723 3249 Studio 760 672 5814 Cell
(((Please note: I request you to reply to my Blog after you read it)))
I always like the "Who am I" question. Everyone always goes into what they "Do" to let people know "Who they are."
I like talking about what I do because it's fun, but that's not who I am. I like the way God puts it. He just says, "I am," and that's it. He's pretty smart, if you think about it. But I am much less than God, so I can't just get away with "I am." I humbly say that, “I am a servant of God, and realizing that, I am a vehicle to continue His work." God's work is to CREATE and LOVE. This works for me, because I LOVE to CREATE. CREATING LOVE is a little trickier, but I'm working on it.
Bachelors in Business SIU
10-years Navy Corpsman
10-Years Financial Advisor
Music Store Owner/Musician/Teacher
Music is great therapy. As a stockbroker, I enjoyed a highly elevated blood pressure of a constant 198 over 160. Realizing this might be my "last" job, I prayed for "More Harmony in My Life." I dreamed that night that I was the conductor for Heaven's Orchestra...millions of musicians performing to my direction. Upon awakening I wondered, "What was that all about?"
I thought about it and concluded, “I am the conductor of my life. If I want/need more harmony, it's up to me to choose the song; the notes; the tempo, etc." So I let go of the $100,000,000 I was managing and started the music store--five years ago. This job I do now is more in line with who I am. The business of MONEY is all about LOVING MONEY AND USING PEOPLE. I see now that it's the other way around. So now I am proud to talk about who I am and what I do...because I am co-creating this experience with God and You and Me. In theory, we should all equally benefit.
I am trying to grow with this blog and if I can contribute to your growth too that would be great.
NOW RESPOND TO THIS BOG. I am looking forward to seeing what you have to say.
Jack Kovic