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Veterans News for June 28, 2011

  • Thursday, July 14, 2011 23:35
    Message # 655418
    Deleted user
    From Kevin Secor at VA HQ: Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of programs and services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits are legislated in Title 38 of the United States Code. The 2011 VA Benefit booklet contains a summary of these benefits effective Jan. 1, 2011. The 2011 VA Benefits book is now available online.    For additional information on federal programs and benefits available for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors,  please visit the VA Web page at

    Thanks Kevin!


    Prayers and blessings for you and your loved ones and for our dear Troops and their loved ones everywhere.




    VA Veterans News for Tuesday, June 28, 2011.  Thanks to Kevin Secor at VA!


    1.      VA pays $925000 in Bridgeport exploding eyeball suit

    2.      VA drops plans to lease part of St. Albans veterans' home to private developers

    3.      Richmond City Council approves real-estate tax exemption for some veterans

    4.      Colleges Gain HHS Health IT Training Materials

    5.      Colorado State University's Yellow Ribbon Program to Provide Full Tuition. 

    6.      Conn. man wins nearly $1M for botched eye surgery

    7.      Fort Bayard may host polytrauma center

    8.      Brainsway reports success in diabetic pain and aphasia trials

    9.      Russia convicts top spy of exposing 'US sleeper cell'

    10.  Intelligence shift shows change in Afghan war aims

    11. The Week At A Glance: June 27-July 1. Vet's A Miracle Walker.

    12. Exoskeleton Being tested At Bronx VA. 

    13. Program Taking "Innovative New Approach To Healing" Vets With PTSD. 

    14. Official: VA Pioneering Use Of Dogs For Psychiatric Assistance. 

    15. Dog Helps Vet With PTSD. 

    16. Anti-Oxidant Supplements Ease Gulf War Syndrome. 

    17. Agency Surveys Tainted Water At Marine Base. 

    18. A Spirit Beyond Physical Limits. 

    19. Wounded Warrior Project Ends In Lower Burrell. 

    20. Video Helps Wounded Warriors With Care System. 

    21. Veteran In Westboro Case Looks To Move Beyond His Legal Troubles. 

    22. Fire Base Nam Dedicates Flags, Solar Light To Vineland Veterans Home. 

    23. One-Armed Veteran Relishes Moment After Nice Catch. 

    24. UC Berkeley Alumna Honored As Veteran Of The Year. 

    25. News For Veterans. 

    26. Korean Veterans Commemorate 61st Anniversary Of Conflict's Beginning. 

    27. Fallen Soldier Honored With New Flag Pole. 

    28. Bend Man Gets WWII Medals, 66 Years Later. 

    29. Experienced Vets Need Job Help. 

    30. VA / VSO-MSO Hearings as June 28, 2011:

    31. Today in History:


    1.    VA pays $925000 in Bridgeport exploding eyeball suitCt Post  The US Department of Veterans Affairs agreed Monday to pay $925000 to a man whose eyeball exploded during a routine outpatient cataract operation at the West Haven Veterans Affairs hospital. The settlement, on behalf of 60-year-old Jose ... 


    2.    VA drops plans to lease part of St. Albans veterans' home to private developers.  – United States Senators Charles E. Schumer and Kirsten E. Gillibrand, and Congressman Gregory Meeks announced today that after a meeting with officials from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) yesterday, the VA has decided to abandon ... 


    3.    Richmond City Council approves real-estate tax exemption for some veteransRichmond Times Dispatch  under state law, covers a home and up to 1 acre of land and applies to any veteran who has "a 100 percent service-connected, permanent and total disability" as recognized by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. The veteran also must ... 


    4.    Colleges Gain HHS Health IT Training MaterialsInformationWeek  Users can download a modified copy of the US Department of Veterans Affairs' VistA electronic health record (EHR) system and create exercises around that, Hersh said. The site went live June 19, although ONC did not make a public announcement until ... 


    5.    Colorado State University's Yellow Ribbon Program to Provide Full Tuition.  Colorado State University News   - Colorado State University, partnering with the US Department of Veterans Affairs' Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program, is offering full awards – including tuition, fees, and generous housing and books stipends – to US military ... 


    6.    Conn. man wins nearly $1M for botched eye surgeryForbes  A 60-year-old Army veteran won a $925000 settlement with the Department of Veterans Affairs after he was blinded in one eye during a routine outpatient cataract operation, his attorney said Monday. Jose Goncalves of Hartford was blinded in his right ...


    7.    Fort Bayard may host polytrauma centerSilver City Sun News  The bill, called the Southern New Mexico and El Paso, Texas - Veterans Traumatic Brain Injury Care Improvement Act of 2011, calls for a report by the US Department of Veterans Affairs on the feasibility of a new polytrauma rehabilitation center or ... 


    8.    Brainsway reports success in diabetic pain and aphasia trialsGlobes  Today, the company also announced that the ethics committee of the US Department of Veterans Affairs has approved a clinical trial of Deep TMS for the treatment of obesity, which will be conducted by the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. ... 


    9.     Russia convicts top spy of exposing 'US sleeper cell' .   (AFP) undefined A Moscow military court on Monday handed down a 25-year sentence to a top Russian foreign intelligence agent who was convicted in absentia of exposing a "sleeper cell" network in the United States. 


    10.                       Intelligence shift shows change in Afghan war aims.  (AP) undefined Military intelligence officers were scrambling a year ago to collect and analyze the social, economic and tribal ins and outs of each valley and hamlet in Afghanistan.  This information wasn't the kind of secret or …


    11.                       The Week At A Glance: June 27-July 1. CQ  At 3 p.m. Tuesday in 124 Dirksen, the "Senate Appropriations Military Construction-VA Subcommittee marks up the draft fiscal 2012 Military Construction-VA spending bill." On Wednesday, at 3 p.m. in 418 Russell, the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee "marks up bills on Camp Lejeune veterans (S 277), Veterans Affairs workforce (S 572), educational benefits (S 745), veterans' cost-of-living adjustments (S 894), telemedicine co-payments (S 914) and veterans' employment (S 951)."


    12.                       Vet's A Miracle Walker. Exoskeleton Being tested At Bronx VA. New York Post Disabled Veteran Ian James Brown is "taking baby steps across the Bronx VA Hospital with the help of a specially fitted exoskeleton suit called the ReWalk." Brown, the "first military man to test the device," began his "wobbly walking lessons in April. VA spinal-cord-injury doctors expect he'll master the machine by the end of summer."


    13.                       Program Taking "Innovative New Approach To Healing" Vets With PTSD. NBC Nightly News "Among the many lessons learned after almost ten years of war in Afghanistan is that those who fight can never quite leave the war behind." But the Napa Valley, California-based The Pathway Home is taking an "innovative new approach to healing the scars" of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Veterans Affairs has referred vets to the program, which uses "traditional clinical therapy" and physical activities like "scuba diving, bowling," and "even...Pilates" to help vets recover from PTSD. 

    14.                       Official: VA Pioneering Use Of Dogs For Psychiatric Assistance.  Columbus (OH) Dispatch   Joshua Endicott states; "like many coming back from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, lives" with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After noting that Endicott would like to get a service dog to help with his condition "The Army is developing a policy regarding service animals and also is involved in an overarching Defense Department policy on the use of dogs...said" Lt. Cmdr. Kathleen Watkins, deputy director for family programs in the behavioral-health division of the Office of the Surgeon General for the Army. "The US Veterans Administration, and to some degree the military, has pioneered the use of dogs for psychiatric assistance, according to Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness." 

    15.                       Dog Helps Vet With PTSD. Killeen (TX) Daily News  Terri Schlichenmeyer noted that veteran Luis Carlos Montalván returned from Iraq "suffering from migraines, post-traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia and other injuries, both physical and emotional." But through a program called Puppies in Prison, which makes service dogs available to war veterans, Montalván received a dog named Tuesday, who has helped him heal. Montalván has written a book about his experience, called "Until Tuesday". 

    16.                       Anti-Oxidant Supplements Ease Gulf War Syndrome. USA Today  "Anti-oxidant supplements can significantly reduce the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome, suffered by tens of thousands of veterans, according to research to be presented Monday to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The study by Beatrice Golomb of the medical school at the University of California-San Diego tested the value of giving doses of the coenzyme Q10 to Gulf War veterans." The "research was funded by the Defense Department through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs."


    17.                       Agency Surveys Tainted Water At Marine Base.  Washington Post "Hundreds of thousands of people who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina more than 25 years ago are being asked to complete a detailed health survey to determine what diseases may be linked to contaminated water they drank and bathed in at the largest Marine base on the East Coast." The Federal Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry, a "sister agency of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is sending the survey to about 300,000 people who lived or worked at the Marine base and about 53,000 to those who lived and worked at Camp Pendleton, Calif., before 1986. The responses from Camp Pendleton are being used for comparison purposes, officials said."


    18.                       A Spirit Beyond Physical Limits. Minneapolis Star Tribune Staff Sgt. Kyle Malin's legs were lost during service in Afghanistan. Malin will "soon resume therapy at an Army rehabilitation center in San Antonio. Despite the traumatic changes to his life almost a year ago, Malin is still a laid-back guy."


    19.                       Wounded Warrior Project Ends In Lower Burrell. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review


    20.                       Video Helps Wounded Warriors With Care System. Army Times  "The Army Warrior Transition Command has released a 10-minute video designed to help wounded warriors and their families navigate the Army's warrior care system." The video "walks viewers through topics such as the Warrior Transition Unit structure, comprehensive transition plan process and career transition options."


    21.                       Veteran In Westboro Case Looks To Move Beyond His Legal Troubles. Wichita Eagle


    22.                       Fire Base Nam Dedicates Flags, Solar Light To Vineland Veterans Home. News Of Cumberland County


    23.                       One-Armed Veteran Relishes Moment After Nice Catch. AP


    24.                       UC Berkeley Alumna Honored As Veteran Of The Year. Daily Californian


    25.                       News For Veterans. Wilkes-Barre (PA) Times-Leader 


    26.                       Korean Veterans Commemorate 61st Anniversary Of Conflict's Beginning.  Rapid City Journal


    27.                       Fallen Soldier Honored With New Flag Pole. WCVB-TV


    28.                       Bend Man Gets WWII Medals, 66 Years Later.  KGW-TV


    29.                       Experienced Vets Need Job Help.


DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

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