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Veterans News for, April 25, 2011 (part2)

  • Thursday, April 28, 2011 00:22
    Message # 579382
    Deleted user
    Philadelphia Vets Take to the Links: Amputee Veterans in the City of Brotherly Love turned out for the third annual First Swing Golf Clinic – a new approach to physical therapy and great chance for camaraderie. Read more


    Prayers and blessings for you and your loved ones and for our dear Troops and their loved ones everywhere.
    Veterans News for Monday, April 25, 2011.  Thanks to Kevin Secor at VA HQ!

    31.                       VA Using Creative Arts Therapy To Treat Vets With PTSD. Dr. Oz Show   Dr. Mary Rorro, a psychiatrist with the "VA New Jersey Health Care System James J. Howard VA Outpatient Clinic," discussed "creative arts therapy, an emerging field, and how it can be used to treat PTSD, specifically in veterans returning from war." According to Dr. Rorro, she began a program called "A Few Good Notes" as a "way to bring music to veterans in helping them to cope with such conditions" as PTSD. Dr. Rorro, who noted that this program has now been "expanded...within the national VA system," went on say that if veterans and families want to get more information on such alternative therapies, they can "contact their local Veteran Affairs medical facility and access the National Center for PTSD online."S8 

    32.                       Female Vets Could Get Own License Plates In Texas. AP  Women veterans "could buy specialty license plates under a bill" was approved on Thursday by the Texas House. The legislation, which is "expected to move to the state Senate," would "direct the state to issue the plates to female active or former members of the United States armed forces, Texas National Guard, or Texas State Guard. The plates would include the words 'Women Veterans' in red."


    33.                       Vietnam Veteran With PTSD Sues Army Over Discharge.   AP Last Thursday, 63-year-old John Shepherd, who "received the Bronze Star and later was diagnosed" with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), "filed a federal lawsuit...trying to get the Army to modify his other-than-honorable discharge so that his sacrifice will be recognized and he can get disability benefits." According to the lawsuit, Shepherd's service in Vietnam caused him to develop PTSD, after which time he refused to go back out into the field and was discharged. A Veterans Affairs therapist contends that Shepherd's PTSD led him to disobey an order to return to combat, which resulted in his being discharged. Shepherd, according to the AP, sought counseling for his disorder at the New Haven Veterans Center. The AP added, "An Army spokesman says the service does not comment on pending lawsuits."


    34.                       Officials Remind Federal Employees About Obama Photos During Campaign Season. Washington Post The US Office of Special Counsel (OSC) "published a reminder that any official campaign photos or fliers of Obama or Republican presidential candidates are prohibited around" the Federal workplace. The Post adds, "Last month, a Veterans Affairs doctor from Arizona learned he's losing his job for e-mailing an invitation for a 2008 campaign fundraiser for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to co-workers and subordinates while on duty." The Post adds, "OSC and VA officials would not comment on the case."


    35.                       Gary Sinise Helps Wounded Warrior Care Project. Augusta (GA) Chronicle   "In a heartfelt speech Thursday night to an overflow crowd," actor Gary Sinise, whose "signature role as a Vietnam veteran" in the film "Forrest Gump", spoke at "fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Care Project at the Richmond on Greene hotel in downtown Augusta. The 319th Transportation Company Vietnam Veterans played host to the event, which raised more than $30,000 toward a permanent home for a disabled veteran." S15


    36.                       Battle Over Civil War Graves.  WRC-TV  "A military graveyard is causing controversy in Virginia, and it's not located in Arlington." The Sons of Confederate Veterans "is demanding better grave markers for more than 17,000 soldiers buried in Richmond that fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War." The group wants federal funds for individual upright granite headstones to replace the current markers, numbered marble blocks for every three graves. VA Sen. Jim Webb (D) supports the request, writing a letter asking the VA to release funds for individual markers.


    S2337.                       Homelessness Among Veterans. Hartford Courant S24


    38.                       Ogden Veteran's Home Treats Patients Like Family. Ogden (UT) Standard-Examiner S27


    39.                       VA Adding $27.3M Research Building To Oakland Campus. S28


    40.                       Local Veteran Wins 28-Year-Long Battle For Disability And Medical Benefits. Saratogian S31


    41.                       Student Veterans Of America (SVA).  Huffington Post   Craigslist founder and veterans advocate Craig Newmark offers a brief summary of Student Veterans of America.


    42.                       Daisies Make Robes For Disabled Vets. Pike County (NY) Courier S32


    43.                       Veterans Advocates Disagree On Benefits Comparison. Lincoln (NE) Journal Star S33


    44.                       Home Goes AWOL For Some Vets. Alton (IL) Telegraph S34


    45.                       VA Extends Call Center To Berkshire, Franklin And Hampden Counties. Springfield (MA) Republican


    46.                       VA Hospital Honors Volunteers. WDTV-TV S36


    47.                       Veteran Fights VA Over Agent Orange Coverage. WECT-TV S37


    48.                       Ga. Veteran To Be Buried 66 Years After War Death. AP S38


    49.                       101-Year-Old WWII Veteran From Central Pa. Gets Replacements For Lost Medals. AP S40


    50.                       Korean War Vet's Remains Returned 61 Years Later. AP S41


    51.                       Decades Later, Korean War POW Receives Medals. Clay County (IL) Advocate-Press


    52.                       Xenia Korean War Vet Finally Gets His Medals. WJBD-AM

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Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

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